Problems with Entourage email program

That's how I felt this weekend after I tried to create a bunch of rules for the Entourage email program I use with this MacBook. I was trying to direct various sorts of emails to different folders, which I have done without problems in the past. This time, though, the email program proceeded to go nutso -- even when I deleted all the rules and the new folders that I'd created. Having nosed around on the net, I've come to believe that my database may be corrupted. In any case, if you email me and I don't respond, it may be because my email program has stuffed it behind a cybercouch or dropped it through the cybercracks. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go back to saying, "Arrrrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhh!"
This will help you with that. :)
Thanks, GB -- you rock!
Hi Martha,
As one who looks just like that !!! Here is a good resource to help, hopefully.
Hi, Lyn -- Many thanks! And thanks for feeling my pain! :-)
You can get the rules to work in Entourage? I'm impressed. I've had no luck.
BTW, what is that a picture of in Grant's comment? A stone fly? May fly? A bug in the system, perhaps?
TB, I did have the rules working for a while, but I must have gotten overambitious and trie dto do too many or something. V, v frustrating.
Btw, I used to know what that little critter is on Grant's website, but I've forgotten. He may explain it somewhere over there at . . .. .
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