Orts, scraps, and fragments from my days spent dictionary-diving and co-hosting the language-loving public radio show, "A Way with Words"
Sunday, March 05, 2006
And Today's Golden Pineapple Award Goes To . . .
. . . daz, who points out in one of the comment sections below that if you disregard the tilde, pinacoladaism is an anagram of dipsomaniacal. Enjoy the award, daz. The Golden Pineapple doesn't get doled out to just anybody!
Wow, ladies and gents -- and he's humble in the face of kudos, too! Well, thanks for setting the record straight.
Btw,I'd have assumed that Henri came up with that after several coladas, but after watching "Word Wars" last night, I'm betting it happened at a Scrabble game. Any idea?
I am deeply honored to receive the golden pineapple! But I was merely the messenger.
That dipsomaniacal is an anagram of piñacoladaism was discovered years ago by a friend, Henri Picciotto, who hails from Berkeley, California.
Wow, ladies and gents -- and he's humble in the face of kudos, too! Well, thanks for setting the record straight.
Btw,I'd have assumed that Henri came up with that after several coladas, but after watching "Word Wars" last night, I'm betting it happened at a Scrabble game. Any idea?
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