Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-changes . . .

Well, if you happened to catch "Morning Edition" on KPBS today, you heard my esteemed fellow Verbivore, Richard Lederer, announce that after an illustrious, eight-year run, he's stepping down from his duties as co-host of our show.
More details to come, but for now, let me just say that this is why I've been so scarce lately. We here at "A Way with Words" are working extremely hard to bring you a brand-new incarnation of the show, with some cool new segments and features.
The all-new "A Way with Words" debuts November 18. (In fact, the new show and I will share a birthday. But I digress...)
Richard and I will be talking about this more -- and reading those winning limericks! -- during our two-hour live show this Sunday, Oct. 23, from 10 a.m.-noon Pacific Time. You can tune in here.
If you'd like to voice your support for the kind of work we do on "A Way with Words," I invite you to tune in then and call 800-576-5727 with a pledge that will honor Richard's legacy and help ensure the show's future success.
Or you can express your support for the show any time online right here. Make sure to tell them what a big word nerd you are, and how much informed, sparkling, language-loving conversation means to you!
And if you have suggestions for the kinds of things you'd like to hear on the new show, by all means, drop me a line. I'm definitely open to ideas.
Oh, and one more thing....please wish me luck. I'll need it!